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The Road to Vetheuil - Monet |
clutter up your Inboxes (those of you who subscribe), so make sure to check in here periodically if you want to see how the novel is coming.
You can view the details of the novel here, on the NaNoWriMo site. But basically, it's a Young Adult novel currently entitled Young Artists (this will likely change...Any suggestions?)
Here is what I managed to pound out on Day 1.
I think I may have gotten a bit ahead of myself today. Some of this might end up later in the story, but at this point, here is Day 2 of my novel.
Close your eyes and picture it. I'm pleased with some of the imagery in today's work: Day 3.
A little short for Day 4, but not to worry. still in it to win it!
Started out just playing catch-up today and ended up getting lost in the story. I'm liking what I did today, Day 5. This may be my second favourite day's work so far (the first being Day 3).
So...this is all she (being me) wrote...for today anyway: Day 6.
Only 7 words short of 10,000 words on Day 8! I will try to remedy this tonight. I think it would keep me up all night...
After some technical difficulties (and a disappointing loss of words) yesterday, I've rewritten what was lost and more: Day 9. Got some real catching up to do now, but still going for it! Thank you to all my encouragers out there. It helps!
A pensive/descriptive day for my young Artists: Day 10.
Today (Day 11), my characters followed some good advice from Judy Dench (as Armande in Chocolat): "Don't worry so much about 'supposed to'." P.S Happy Veteran's/Remembrance Day. Thank you for your service!
Get your tissue box ready. I know I almost needed mine for Day 13.
Barely managed to sneak a word in on Day 14. Working on Day 16 now!
Another rough day for my characters. Hang in there guys! Day 16 has come and gone.
Day 17 ended at an unintentional cliffhanger. Ah well.
The story continues to unfold on Day 18. So many surprises (even to me)!
Day 19 is still a work in progress, but I'm posting the link now anyway.
Again, will hopefully add more to this later tonight, but posting it now, just in case.
Please note: the name of one of the characters changes from Flinna to Faenn in the middle of Day 20.
Picking up speed on Day 21!
Down to single digits in the number of days left to win this thing! I'll be cutting it close, but still trying! Here's what I wrote on Day 22.
Day 23, hot off the presses! I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
It's the final countdown. Day 24! After a good brainstorming session with my consultant, who shall remain unnamed, I'm feeling confident about wrapping this book up like a baby in swaddling clothes.
I love days like this, when the words flow and the ideas are full of bright sights and clear sounds. Now, if I can just stop saying that anything happens "after a moment" I'll be all set. Ah well, Day 25 has been very productive nonetheless.
Posting this now in case I fall asleep at the keys tonight. What Day 26 really needs is more coffee.
Happy Thanksgiving! And Day 27.
Day 28 is still in progress, but I'm posting this now in case I don't get to do it later. Need to make it to about 3000 each day, so settle in for a little longer reading (assuming I get there sometime tonight).
The end (Day 29). After this point, I'll be writing scenes I need to fill in earlier in the story until I get to 50 000! So if you're ready, click above to find out how it all turns out! So crazy. So close.