The summer is coming to an end and so is my Shenandoah Adventure. It will be bitter sweet to leave the park and return home. Leaving the many interesting and wonderful people I have become friends with this summer will be strange. We have become accustomed to each other living in this small community. It has been a huge blessing to have several Christian friends to fellowship with up on the mountain. It has been an encouragement to see them at our Sunday services when they are able to attend and to talk about faith and life throughout the week. It has also been fun connecting with people from lifestyles and beliefs different my own. I can honestly say their worldviews have impacted and broadened mine in valuable ways. Whether we stay in touch or not, I am glad to have met each and every one of them. And of course we will miss our beautiful mountain home!
Look up. Look waaaaaay up! |
View of Old Rag from Hot-Short Mountain trail |
One of the most substantial ruins from pre-park days I've seen so far - a chimney, saw and tub in the area known as "Hazel Country" |
But the closer our departure date comes, the more I am looking forward to heading home and reuniting with friends and family. For me, absence has made my heart fonder of the people and places I left behind at the summer's beginning. I am looking forward to visiting my favourite haunts - libraries, coffee shops, thrift stores, churches - with my favourite people again.
Until then, I am off to make the most of my remaining adventure time! Keep your eyes open for one more concluding post before my regular posting resumes. Thanks for following along with me this summer!
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